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NAViGaTOR –  Network Analysis, Visualization, & Graphing TORonto is a software system for scalable visualizing and analyzing networks.

The current version, NAViGaTOR 3, increases modularity, improves scaleability, extends input/output options, brings new network views and analysis algorithms.

Directed and undirected networks can be annotated by relevant online databases or local data sets, and analyzed by diverse algorithms, which in turn enable enrichemnt analysis and discovering relationship between network structure and function. In particular Gene Ontology, protein-protein interaction and pahtway databases, and Human Disease Ontology are supported.

NAViGaTOR is an academic project under active development by members of Jurisica Lab of the Krembil Research Institute. The project has been funded by multiple grants, including Genome Canada, Ontario Research Fund – GL2, to extend its functionality and enhance data interchangeability with other tools (e.g. Cytoscape) for network analysis and visualization. Therefore, Navigator implements import and export functionality for the most common file formats, such as XGMML, PSI or text.

NAViGaTOR is freely available to academic research under the GNU General Public License (